Download here the Official "SimpleNotes" Desktop App! Made with this API!
Special thanks to "Ongart Creations" for providing!
(Download page, Windows only)
1. To get your API token, login above.
If you don't have an account yet you can create one at
The standard output format is XML! See 5-6 for more infos.
If you want to use JSON, see 7-9 for more infos.
2. The query of the notes runs over
For more security you can request the notes in Base64. Just at &b64=1 at the end of the URL or POST it.
POST and GET is supported.
Required variables:
key="Your API Key"
Example GET:
3. Saving the notes is done via
POST and GET is supported.
Required variables:
key="Your API Key"
notes="Your notes"
Example GET:¬es=Hi you!
4. For more security you can encrypt the string in Base64 before sending it!
When the notes are not encrypted the script automatically enrypt it.
POST and GET is supported.
Required variables:
key="Your API Key"
notes="Your notes"
Example GET:¬es=Hi you!
5. /get/ XML response:
"Your Notes"
"Maximum characters you can write"
6. /send/ XML response:
7. If you want to get/send the notes as JSON
just ad &json=1 at the end of the URL or POST it.
POST and GET is supported.
Required variables:
key="Your API Key"
notes="Your notes"
Example GET:¬es=Hi you!
8. /get/ JSON response:
{"mynotes":"Your Notes","max":Maximum characters you can write}
9. /send/ JSON response:
10. If you want to share your notes and/or request the URL
just ad &share=1 at the end of the URL or POST it.
POST and GET is supported.
Required variables:
key="Your API Key"
(notes="Your notes")
Example /get/ GET: or &share=0
"Your Notes"
"1 or 0"
"Maximum characters you can write"
Example /send/ GET:
-- If I request/send my notes I became an Error. --
- Your API Key is wrong just login again. -
- Thise site use https sometimes the forwarding from http to https dosen`t work with some requesting scripts. -
-- If I request my notes it contains my E-Mail Adress. --
- If you send your notes to /send/ and the variable is empty the E-Mail address is the default value. -
-- If I send my notes it say`s that I should buy an Premium Account. --
- With an standard Account, you can write up to 500 characters. -
- With an Premium Account you can write up to 1500 characters, just click here. -
-- If you encounter an error or bug, click here. There is a reward waiting for you. --
ATTENTION: You have only one key that cannot be reset. Please don't lose it and don't share it!
In case of problems send an e-mail to
© Hendrik Lüdtke. All rights reserved.